A Nestled Gift Set with Authentique

Happy Friday, Friends! Today I have a gift set to share that I made for my father’s birthday last week using Authentique’s pretty fall collection, Nestled.

I know what you’re thinking. Candy corn, right? People have rather strong opinions about it, it seems. You either hate it, or you love it. My dad and I….. well we happen to love it. And since his birthday falls one day before National Candy Corn day on October 30th, I thought it would be the perfect treat to slip into his package.

I really love the prints in this Nestled collection. So perfect for a fall birthday, and really great for a masculine design, too. I added in lots of black to make everything pop, and kept my design simple, with rustic touches. The leaves are from a pair of old wood-mount stamps. I colored the stamps with Distress markers, stamped them onto watercolor paper, and then blurred the images a bit with a wet paintbrush. A coat of Distress Crackle Paint gives them some extra interest and shine.

I used lots of stamps and dies to complete my set, from Papertrey Ink and My Creative Time.Β  I do love how it turned out. And I’m proud to say I did manage to keep my mitts out of the candy corn, too! πŸ˜€

Thanks so much for stopping by! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

15 thoughts on “A Nestled Gift Set with Authentique

  1. Fabulous set, Audrey! I especially love how you repeatedly stamped on your tag and then stamped the sentiment over top in black! I will have to remember this…. πŸ™‚

  2. Those leaves look so great – they could be real! What a fun birthday card. You definitely nailed the masculine style. We are lovers of candy corn here, but I have to admit, I didn’t buy any this year.

  3. Beautiful card and treat bag, Audrey! Those leaves look very real…great job! And, fab stamping on the tag! Take care and have a great weekend!:-)

  4. What a special treat for your dad. I’m sure you made his birthday even more special. I’m loving the paper for the card. I’m really crazy with how your leaves came out. (I seem to have a thing for leaves) This is a really gorgeous set.

  5. What a treat indeed Audrey!
    It’s beautiful!!
    I had my first and only experience with candy corn Halloween 1985 as an exchange student in Kansas. I ate so many that I got sick to my stomach and now, apart from smelling them I wouldn’t dream of popping one in my mouth! ;o)
    Have a glorious Sunday!

  6. Now I’m intrigued??? What is it with candy corn? we don’t have it here, so now need to know what the pros and cons are LOL! Regardless…. I’m sure your dad with love his sweety package and you card and gift tag.. wow… yes… those leaves look REAL! Beautiful work – especially for your season there πŸ™‚

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