Baby, it’s Cold

Tomorrow is our annual Spring Garden Party at the garden center, and I’ve been trying really hard to get in a spring frame of mind all this week. But it’s been quite hard because it’s just so darn cold out. Instead of flowers and sunshine, I’m thinking of winter and snowflakes.

Baby, It's Cold2

So today I have a little Authentique Seasons: Winter card to share with you.

Baby, It's Cold

I love these winter papers paired with more rugged elements, like the kraft cardstock and burlap trim. The whole natural, earthy feel just works for me. To soften things up a bit, I added in some feminine touches with trims and pearl pins. Fun combination of soft and hard.

Baby, It's Cold3

I’m trying to think spring, but Baby……….

It’s cold outside!

Thanks so much for stopping by, my friends! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!



Authentique Seasons: Winter Collection- Winter Three 12×12 Paper, Winter Enhancements (front and back)Cardstock: The Kraft Outlet
Dies: Sizzix
Punch: EK Success
Pins: Maya Road
Trim: SEI, Glitz Designs, The Kraft Outlet, Craft Supply
Button: Craft Supply
Ink: Clearsnap

27 thoughts on “Baby, it’s Cold

  1. Gorgeous card the hues are so delicate the burlap gives it the perfect texture and the crowning glory is that beautiful snowflake!
    Wish I could send you some island warmth for your garden party;)

  2. Oh, Audrey…this is so very pretty!!! You need to have it in our Festive Friday challenge this round…incorporating a snowflake into your design. This would be perfect for it!!! Beautiful!!

  3. Uh huh…yes…it is cold outside…brrr…lol! No snow, but it is due for next Tuesday. Come on spring…hurry up…lol! But, looking at your card makes me want to stay inside where it’s warm and work on cards! It’s so pretty with the blues and browns! Love the burlap trim, snowflake, and aqua trim! What a lovely card, Audrey! And, thank you so much for the inspiration! Take care, hugs!

  4. What a cute card! I wish the snow would stop and go away, but I think it is going to be a bit before that happens! Have fun at the Garden Party!!!

  5. Yes, it’s pretty chilly here to the north of you as well! I wouldn’t be able to get in the garden frame of mind either.

    Your card is delightful! I love all the Kraft and blue! Beautiful snowflake embellishment too!

  6. Well this card is so cute. I just love it. The weather is right now here in the desert.. But in a couple of months I will be singing a different tune..


  7. I can’t complain about today’s weather in CT. I think we hit 45!
    Another great project here! Love how you added the pins!
    Hope you have a great weekend!!!!!

  8. Yummy yummy texture! Love the colors especially the blue green lace. It’s supposed to be in the twenties here in the morning. Yuck! Stay warm! Hugs!

  9. Sorry it’s still cold where you are! Perhaps you should come visit me!!?? This card is beautiful and fabulous and amazing… The perfect mix of embellishments. Have a wonderful day!

  10. Love the rustic feel of this card. Beautiful layers and textures! And I love the colours! 🙂

    Hope it gets warmer for you soon.

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